Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length. ~Robert Frost
Genre: Comedy/Romance/School/Shoujo
Review Status: Complete (16 Volumes/16 Volumes, + 1/1 extras volume)
Licensed: Yes, this manga is licensed in the US
Art/Animation: It's fairly recognizeable as shoujo, but it's not deeply toned or dramatically shaded. It also looks very pretty in general.
Summary: Risa and Otani are in a similar predicament. Neither is dating anyone, they are both continually being laughed at as a comedy duo (courtesy of their loving sensei), and they both have height problems! Risa is taller than the average girl, and Otani is shorter than the average guy!
Determined to be in a relationship, they both decide to cheer each other on in the war of love. However, along the way, Risa begins to develop feelings for Otani... are these feelings mutual? Can love win, no matter what the height? (Source: Manga-Updates)
Review: Can someone who seems so wrong, be so right? This si the question explored when Riza and Ootani come together. They start off as awesome friends- they love the same obscure singer, adore ordering fruity, exotic-sounding drinks, and have a chemistry that sets their classmates into riots of laughter.
So it comes as a total surprise when Riza finds that her feeling for Ootani may be a bit deeper than she had suspected
Height is something that people who date are very aware of. Guys are afraid of being too short, girls are afraid of being too tall. And so when you have a tall girlfriend and a short boyfriend, there's going to be a lot of tension and misunderstandings when navigating that relationship.
You do have some typical shoujo situations- childhood friends that want to come between them, and crushes that are into eachother instead of the mains. But then you have atypical shoujo situations, such as a former love rival not only turning out to be a guy, but becoming one of their strongest supporters! And the humor and wit turns this into a riot to read.
What I loved was being able to see their relationship go from the awkward first stages into a lovely, steady and stable relationship as they grew up and became people in their own right. While the relationship continues to have issues throughout the series, they are ones that come from growing up and the security issues that come with going from the safety of high school into the world of college and being in different schools, with different dreams.
And even though there does end up with some dramatics, it does it with a humor that is uplifting.
Overall, this is a hilarious look at an unusual problem- that has a happy ending.
Recommended: YES! Um... 14+, as one of the girls is actually a cross-dressing boy. You do see some shirtless guys. There is some slightly sexual content in the last two volumes, as they go on a trip and rooming together (girls with boyfriends) comes up. It's only hinted at, though, and if anything sexual happens, then it isn't shown. There is also some comedic violence (cheek-pinching, one or two punches thrown).
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This sounds cute! I think I might check it out!