Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing. ~Bill Cosby
Mangaka: Sakura Tsukuba
Genre: Romance/Drama/Supernatural/School
Review Status: Complete (9 Volumes/9 Volumes)
Licensed: This was formerly licensed by CMX manga. They have gone under.
Art: It’s shoujo. Very typical shoujo art.
Summary: Kanade believes that most people go through life seeing with blindfolds on- they cannot see what will happen in the future or the past. Occasionally, her blindfold slips, allowing her to see somebody’s future. One day, she meets someone who’s blindfold came off long ago, who sees the past. Can their love work out, or do they see too much?
Review: You would think that seeing the future or the past would be a good thing, right? You could see what the answers to a test were, or what had happened at great battles… but this manga shows that it comes with a downside. Kanade is scolded for getting in people’s ways (trying to keep them from getting run over), Arou is shunned for knowing things there’s no way he could have… She manages to keep a happy outlook on life while his has been one of sadness and misery. But when they meet, they connect over their abilities, and life gets better for both of them.
This manages to keep from being too outrageous. There’s no flying from buildings, no feats of astonishing foresight, these characters only see things that really could happen, from torn-up plants from a jealous friend, to a dog dying because it has been abandoned. Throw a third member in the mix that can see the future better than Kanade, and things get interesting!
I really like that they avoid the stereotypical love triangle. The main couple is the main couple, and while their relationship grows and matures, so does their friendships and other relationships. The revelation of their secrets brings about several awkward moments and misunderstandings, brilliantly told in how it’s not immediately accepted, and how it can go wrong when someone knows.
It does happen to go off the deep end at the end, with Arou’s power becoming so powerful that his life and existence is put at risk. Aside from that particular qualm, this is a sweet, lovely story about people who are a little different, but just want to help.
Overall, this is a great romance title, and definitely a good read.
Recommended: 12+. There is one scene where Arou sees back to Kanade undressing (by accident!) but you see nothing but her back. There is some innuendo, with words that sidestep around sex but never mention it, in one section of a later chapter. It will probably go over the heads of younger readers. Perhaps one use of the d-word. Arou’s mother falls off a cliff with another boy, but they are uninjured. The pasts and futures that they see are sometimes violent, even deadly, but these are only talked about.
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